Get to know the team

We carefully select our staff and conduct training and internships in a natural environment - each of our managers goes the way of a player from start to finish. This is the only way to understand the essence of the gambling business and get into our team of online casino authors.

Web service has been operating since 2018. During this time, dozens of ordinary people previously involved in other spheres of activity have become specialists. But this did not prevent them from gaining knowledge and falling in love with the new profession, making it practically the meaning of their lives.

To create quality content about gambling, you must be knowledgeable about it. Our company's principles are at stake, one of which is honesty to users.

Now it's time to learn more about our top people - what they are passionate about, their job titles, and why they have decided to become gambling experts.

Cameron Butler

In 2005 he left his native Australia and moved to New York. Before that, he was a riding instructor since he had loved horses since childhood. But because of the difficult financial situation and family problems, he was forced to accept an offer from an American financial company.

Casino Author Cameron Butler

In 2008, many entrepreneurs went bankrupt because of the global crisis. Cameron was no exception. To make ends meet, he worked practically from morning till night in three places:

  • sold appliances in a supermarket;
  • helped repair vehicles at a car service;
  • wrote articles for various websites in the evenings.

One of the customers was a gambling expert. He offered Butler a permanent high-paying job with the possibility of career growth. Over several years he gained experience and learned a lot about the gambling business. And that experience helped him join our company in 2018 and become a lead manager.

Casino Author Adela Matthews Stevens

Adela Matthews StevensĀ 

Adela Matthews Stevens has held the position of managing editor since 2020. Before that, she worked as a receptionist at a casino, interacted with people, and learned to understand customer interests and preferences. This was a handy skill for advancement.

She enjoys playing golf, cricket, and Frisbee on the beach in her spare time. On weekends she goes to church and helps those in need. Adela is very kind and honest and will never say no to help.

She plans to start a family, buy a house in the suburbs, and continue to do what she loves with our company.

Lewis Sullivan

Online casino expert of the highest level. He has been working in this field for almost ten years. He started as an ordinary player, facing decent gambling establishments and fraudulent organizations.

Casino Author Lewis Sullivan

As a result, he had an idea - to create a unique service, the users of which can get reliable information about the best casinos:

  • where are the most profitable bonuses for newbies;
  • sites with a minimum payment threshold and an acceptable commission;
  • availability of a loyalty program;
  • simple registration procedure;
  • there are guarantees of protection of personal data.

His favorite pastime is assembling the Rubik's cube on speed. His record is 32 seconds. Lewis has an old Ford Mustang in his garage, which our expert pays a lot of attention to, trying to breathe new life into it.

Casino Author Jessica Small Kennedy

Jessica Small Kennedy

Born and raised in Canada. She speaks five languages in addition to her native French. And that helps us a lot when we need to create content for users from other countries. She also frequently joins in with users in the online support chat room. She was very civic-minded at school:

  • was the head of the class;
  • participated in all activities;
  • dreamed of a career in politics.

Then I went to college and studied economics and law. However, after 2 years, I realized I had lost interest in the subject.

In 2019 I was trained and became a manager in our company. A year later, she became a gambling author. Shows interest in the profession gives 100% and rapidly moves up the career ladder.

Crystal Hubbard

Crystal Hubbard. She could have been an excellent economist, as evidenced by her diploma with honors from Cambridge University. But fate had a different outcome. After parting with a loved one, Crystal temporarily dropped out of the usual pace of life. She wanted to try something new.

Casino Author Crystal Hubbard

She tried her luck at the casino, and the subject interested her greatly. But not as a player but as an expert. She read a lot of literature, visited online casino sites, and understood the system's structure.

As a result, a real professional who knows her business came to our team.